Bible Lover’s Gift Guide

If you haven’t noticed, pretty much every business has some kind of sale right now - we seem to have moved beyond “Black Friday” to just a whole week of sales and deals. Part of me gets a little fed up with all the in-your-face advertising and consumerism (so here’s your reminder not to buy anything I recommend unless you actually need it!) However, I also love saving money so I’m definitely keeping my eyes open for deals on things I would buy anyway - or things that would make great gifts!

Today I thought I’d share some of my favorite resources and tools for reading and studying the Bible, so here we go:

Dwell App

This is my favorite audio Bible app, and they currently have a Black Friday sale for up to 60% off memberships. (Doesn’t say how long it lasts, so check it out now!) They have a wide selection of voices and Bible versions, plus lots of other neat tools to make listening to the Bible easy.

Audible Membership*

I drug my feet on getting an Audible Membership for a long time because I generally like to read physical books, but I’ve listened to some books in the past year that I would never have picked up otherwise. If you’re wondering which books to start with, keep reading, or check out my book recommendation list here.

Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin*

Don’t let the title fool you; this is a great intro to Bible study for women and men. It’s written for women because it addresses some struggles that are more prevalent in women’s Bible studies, but the tips for digging into the Bible are helpful for anyone.

Lord, Teach Me to Study The Bible in 28 Days by Kay Arthur*

I actually haven’t picked up this Bible study in years, but it was pretty formative when I was learning to study the Bible as a teenager. It’s just a great basic introduction to where to start with studying the Bible for yourself.

Memorizing Scripture by Glenna Marshall*

Full disclosure: I own this book, but haven’t found time to read it yet. But I’ve read enough of Glenna Marshall’s writing to trust that this is worth recommending, and memorizing Scripture is so important to me that I’m happy to recommend anything that will help you with it!

ESV Journaling Bible*

I’ve been going through this journaling Bible all year and I’ve been loving it - even if you don’t fill up the pages with a ton of journaling, it’s great to have the wide margins anytime you do want to take notes.

G2 Colored Pens*

These are my favorite colored pens for marking and writing in my Bible (or anywhere else). They do bleed through a little bit, but they write so well and the colors are so vibrant that I don’t mind being able to see it a little from the other side of the page.

Bible Tabs*

If you’re not super familiar with the layout of your Bible, adding tabs to mark the beginning of each book is a game-changer. I chose some to link, but Amazon has hundreds of different color and design options!

Notebook or Journal*

Honestly, this can be anything - I have some nice hardcover journals that I’ve been given as gifts, but those spiral-bound notebooks that Walmart sells for pennies apiece at back-to-school time work just as well. Or post-it-notes. Or a piece of scrap paper. Anything you can write and brain-dump on!

And last but not least, I have a resource of my own to share. If you followed my old blog, you may remember a post I did called “Don’t Just Read Your Bible: 12 Ways to Go Deeper.” Well, I made that post into a free downloadable guide, and I will let you know how to access it just as soon as I work out a few technical glitches that are currently giving me headaches.

Let me know if you have anything to add to this list!

*disclosure: as an Amazon affiliate, I earn on qualifying purchases.


Don’t Just Read Your Bible: Download the Free Guide Now!


Thankfulness (and other habits)